Monday 18 July 2011

Jiu Zhai Gou Nature Reserve

Jiu Zhai Gou Nature Reserve is in northwestern Sichuan Province. It was only discovered by timbermen in the 1970s and located 450 km north of Chengdu. In 1999 Jiu Zhai Gou was added to UNESCO World Heritage List.

Jiu Zhai Gou (Valley of 9 Baima Tibetan villages) is sparsely populated with about 1,000 Tibetans from 130 families. Legend has it that a jealous Devil caused Goddess Wunosemo to drop a mirror presented by her lover God Dage, the shattered mirror resulted in 118 shimmering turquoise lakes.

Covered by primitive forests and lakes, the scenery is pristine. It varies from 6,562 to 14,108 ft above sea level. The area covered by our tour ranges from 3,000 to 3,300 meters above sea level and there is much walking along boardwalks from one point to the next.

Tip : to prevent high altitude syndrome, Rhodiola Crenulata grown in Tibetan plateau has been refined and sold in small dose bottles. Ten bottles pack is sold at JiuZhaiGou or Shuangliu Airport for RMB 80. Take 2 bottles each day while on the plateau.

Clouds surrounding mountain peaks 
Hills, trees and clear water in varying colors
water rushing over the plateau to the edge
resulting in Pearl Shoal Waterfall
Long Lake
Five Colored Pond that never freeze in winter due to underground water oozing through from
Long Lake

5 Flowers Lake

water is clear enough to show fallen tree trunks

Shuzheng Waterfall

Tibetan houses

Tibetan pagodas with prayer flags

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